Jordan Clarke
Football, Track & Field
Bartlett High School
It’s been said that each time Bartlett High hosts a track and field meet, commemorative flags are placed out on the throwing field to mark Jordan Clarke’s historic achievement.
“Putting amazing feats into perspective,” said former Bartlett coach and teacher John Jessen.
There’s little doubt Clarke belongs among a shortlist of Alaska’s track and field immortals. Before graduating from Bartlett in 2008, he set the state records in both the discus (192 feet, 7 inches) and shot put (71-3). He was deemed the state championship meet’s outstanding male competitor three times and was obviously just as dominant in the Cook Inlet Conference.
On the football field, Clarke played multiple positions and was named team captain twice. He was honored as a first-team, all-state offensive lineman twice.
He later excelled collegiately at Arizona State University and was inducted into the school’s hall of fame in 2023. There he won multiple NCAA and other titles. He competed professionally on United States World Team and won a gold medal at the 2014 Pan American Sports Festival.
“Jordan’s success is not only a reflection of his talent but also a result of his unwavering determination,” said former Bartlett track and field coach John Schmitz.